Life Drawing
Life Drawing sessions are on Friday mornings. These are non-instructional sessions. Models are draped and un-draped.
Life Drawing Drop-in Tickets
These are non-instructional sessions. Models are draped and un-draped. Bring your own supplies, most mediums are welcome from drawing to painting, and more. Drop-in tickets may be used at any upcoming session. Everyone welcome beginners and experienced artists alike!
Price: $15 per session
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM every Friday
Location: Visual Art Studio, South Surrey Recreation and Arts Centre

What is Life Drawing?
The Semiahmoo Arts Group are the relative “new kids on the block” when it comes to life drawing in the South Surrey and White Rock area. Tony O’Regan and Susan J. Falk first created this group when they saw a need for more life drawing opportunities for the public, and the Semiahmoo Arts Society, located at the South Surrey, Rec & Arts Centre had the perfect space. The drop-in format has gathered momentum for artists and models all over the lower Mainland.
The tradition of “figure drawing” continues on from long ago. The term “figure drawing” usually refers to the instructional class (known as drawing from life, or life class) taught in many academies and schools of fine art.
Why Nude?
Most figure drawing sessions involve drawing a naked model. Without clothes the model can be rendered in a timeless fashion. With no place in time, there is no difference between those figures drawn today and those created in a Renaissance classroom. The nude figure, depending on pose and artistic skill, can suggest every aspect of humanity. If you attend a figure drawing session, you are participating in a tradition that is hundreds, possibly thousands of years old.


I simply walk in with my own materials and use one of their standing easels. The models are professional and have creative poses. Life drawing, for me has always been one of my most loved creative outlet. Being an artist is usually a lone venture and I enjoy the warmth and conversation of others artists. This Semiahmoo group is an inviting collection of interesting and talented people who are very supportive and welcoming of new members.