Remembrance Day 2020


by Sanjana Karthik

We take human life
For granted
We treat a mother’s child
Like they’re an isolated entity

We see
Through hollow eyes
And empty hearts

As if one tear drop
Doesn’t stain their clothes
Or one death
Doesn’t ripple into more

A life
Wrapped by skin
And blanketed
By her warmth

Effortlessly stripped
And torn from hands
The agony tugging on her heart
Yields a new void

As if
There’s an ample of us
For lives to cease
Because of a war
The colour of skin
Your mother had bestowed
Or the God you pray to
In order to feel at home

Is the reason for a life
For someone’s child
To be no more

Their presence lures over you
With an aching cold
Their skin
Into ashes
But their spirits
Deprived of a home

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